results. e for you don’t need to use any medicine and you don’t need to go for surgical treatment because those are not permanent solutions. If you want to lose your weight permanently only and only is Keto Pure best. Keto Pure product is also good for those individuals who have sensitive types of bodies because it does not contain any chemical. How to use ? Now Keto Pure important question is how to use ? Well you don’t have to worry about it because Keto Pure usage of upplement is very simple. e is no Rocket Science in world but you have to take Keto Pure capsules of Keto Pure product with Keto Pure help of fresh water. Ano important question is how many capsules you have to take in a day! According to Keto Pure manufacturer of upplement and according to Keto Pure Recommendation of Keto Pure doctors, you are supposed to use to capsules of on a daily basis.