

in Dies ist ein Forum in der Kategorie 05.08.2020 12:53
von ilog iota

work for different lengths of time. "They’re effective for about 4 in 5 men and are now available from many pharmacists, as well as on prescription. "It’s really important not to be tempted by cheap email offers of ‘miracle cure’ tablets for ED – they’re often counterfeit, which means they may not work and can even be dangerous." 2. Contraception Most women use contraception at some point. There are dozens of different types, which may or may not include hormones. Dr Jarvis said: "If your current contraception isn’t suiting you, it’s important to speak to your GP or family planning clinic. "For instance, if you’re taking the contraceptive pill, it may be possible to change you to a different one which suits you better. "Or you may prefer a long acting form of contraception such as the copper coil, a hormone-.





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