

in Dies ist ein Forum in der Kategorie 01.09.2020 12:56
von edw in3

research.” Men are more likely than women to believe there are certain situations in which cheating on your partner is acceptable, a new BBC study has revealed. In general, 83 per cent of adults in the UK agreed they felt a “significant” responsibility to be faithful to their partner. Yet when it came to those who believed it was “never” acceptable to cheat on their other half, there was a clear gender gap, with 80 per cent of women questioned agreeing with the statement, compared to 64 per cent of men. Additionally, it emerged during the course of the BBC’s research that not everyone practices what they preach - at least three in five of those adults who say it is never acceptable to be adulterous have also cheated on their partner. ✕ The findings came as part of a wider survey conducted by the broadcaster in order to offer an insight into the UK’s ‘moral framework’ in 2019.






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